SET University™ provides technology education and information at large, for the benefit of the IT world, professionals and enthusiasts.
SET University™ is a learning resource, which offers individuals who desire to invest into their Techknowledge for the advancement of their technical IQ, enabling them to pursue their personal or professional aspirations with confidence and fortitude
SET University™ begins its journey by publishing articles and curating educational technology videos from selected content creators related to IT Networking, Devices & Systems, Software Engineering, and other areas of Computer Science; showcasing them in one useful place we call SET U™.
Mission Statement: Provide ongoing educational information on technologies for personal aspirations and career advancements.
Other Plans: Offer courses in – IT Networking, Cybersecurity and other areas of Computer Science; And also provide Real-World Field Training Experiences though partnerships. In addition to publishing adjacent findings on technologies and technological advancements to benefit your educational development.
Long Term Goal: to become Accredited.
Inspiring Techknowledge™
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Prepare yourself for a career in IT, by taking computer science-related courses.
SET University can help you to acquire the needed skills to take advantage of new career opportunities in the IT industry.
SET U aims to help students succeed professionally by delivering industry-relevant courses. We strive to provide instructions that're personalized, hands-on and focused on skills.
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